FTE Reimbursement Policy

To qualify for reimbursement, FTE must receive your electronic reimbursement request form within ten (10) business days of the completion of the event, with all itemized receipts. Do not mail in your reimbursement request unless given permission from your FTE event manager. Please see reimbursable expenses below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Forum for Theological Exploration (FTE) does not reimburse meals while traveling to and from the event. However, If you arrive early on the first day of the event, or must arrive the night before due to your geographical distance, FTE will reimburse you for your meals if none are provided at the venue. Whenever group meals are provided, no reimbursement will be granted. FTE does not reimburse for alcohol and an itemized receipt is required for all meals. Meals shared with other individuals must be noted on receipt.

Approved meals may be reimbursed up to the following amounts (excluding tax and gratuity): Breakfast: $15.00, Lunch: $20.00, Dinner: $30.00

For young adult events, you may request reimbursement for meals while traveling to and from the event.

If travel is included in your event please note the following.

Flights provided for by FTE must be booked through FTE’s approved travel partner, Navan. You will receive an email with booking details. If you book a flight outside of our travel partner, you will not be reimbursed. All flight changes must be pre-approved by FTE.

FTE does not cover the cost of baggage or upgrades.

Car Rentals may be approved in lieu of booking a flight. FTE staff must pre-approve all car rentals. Please use economy-class vehicles. For car rentals, FTE will reimburse gasoline expenses in addition to the cost of the vehicle. If you did not receive approval from FTE staff for a car rental, you will not be reimbursed.

Mileage may be reimbursed, if you use your personal vehicle to travel over fifty (50) miles each way to the airport or the event itself, mileage will be reimbursed at the standard IRS rate ($0.70 per mile in 2025). FTE does not reimburse mileage to and from the airport when the participant lives fewer than 50 miles from the airport. Mileage expenses for driving to and from the event may not exceed the lowest available roundtrip airfare between city of departure and destination. As your receipt, please submit a map that shows total miles traveled to and from the event.

Parking will be reimbursed if parked at the airport. To be reimbursed you must park in economy airport parking with a receipt. If you do not park in an economy lot, you will still be reimbursed the economy rate.

Event Parking will be reimbursed if you use your personal vehicle to travel to and from the event. Your parking should be covered by the venue. However, if you paid for parking please submit your receipt(s).

Taxi/Uber/Lyft transportation to and from the event must be pre approved by FTE staff. If FTE provides transportation and you choose to forgo the FTE provided and paid for transportation FTE will not reimburse.

Submit your Request

Please fill out the form to request reimbursement.

Three Arrows

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