Inspire What's Next

Reverend Amy Figg

A Calling to Ministry

Reverend Amy Figg Ley recounts the narrative of her initial endeavor to guide others toward their individual paths, which unexpectedly led to her discovery of her own. This is how Amy discerned her calling to ministry while dedicating herself to volunteer work at a children's camp. Her journey commenced in seminary, where her involvement in youth ministry revealed her gifts in leadership, teaching, and preaching. As she approached her final year of clinical ministry, Amy found her spiritual home within the community of St. John's Lutheran Church, where her work has had a profound impact. Today, Amy continues her journey, partnering with John to assist others in their own vocational calling, all while pursuing her Doctorate of Ministry. Amy sees one's vocational calling as a lifelong experience, and her mentees serve as a constant source of inspiration. Reverend Amy's unwavering commitment to nurturing and fostering the development of future faithful leaders for the Church is a testament to her dedication.

St. John's Lutheran Church

St. John's is an inclusive church that welcomes ALL GOD'S CHILDREN to worship, receive Holy Communion, and participate in ministry and mission Creed.